Looking back at the 2nd annual Charnwood Sustainability Fair

Charnwood Sustainability Fair 2024 photo collage

Sunday 29th September saw the 2nd annual Charnwood Sustainability Fair take place in Queen’s Park, Loughborough. Over 30 stalls participated, including local craftspeople selling sustainable handmade gifts, local groups such as Transition Loughborough, Woodhouse Eaves Plastic Free and Incredible Edible offering advice on how to live more sustainably, national and local environmental charities like the Trent Rivers Trust sharing information on their activities, and entertainment from local performers The Quorn Ukulele Orchestra, Bare Bones Women’s Morris Dancers and Sing It Happy choir. This year for the first time food was available, from new local community interest company Turnip Point - who make delicious dishes out of food otherwise destined for landfill - and Food for Future, who were hosting cookery demonstrations on how to cook vegan on a budget with seasonal produce. Fun and educational family activities were provided by Parents for Future. Charnwood Borough Council, who supported the event, were also present, with 500 native trees to give away to residents to plant at home.

We’re really pleased that the event went so well and particularly that the weather held – Mother Nature must have been smiling on us! It was great to see so many people at the event - even more than last year - and chatting to stall holders, who said they had some really positive conversations. One of the aims of Charnwood Eco Hub is to bring local groups working towards sustainability together, and help them to share information on their activities with residents, so we’re delighted that so many people engaged, and we’re already making plans for next year. We’d also like to thank Charnwood Borough Council for supporting this event.